The World Travel Clinic offers a private Dengue fever vaccination service.

What is Dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne illness. Dengue fever is contracted from mosquito bites. The virus is spread when a mosquito first bites a human and contracts dengue, then biting another human and passing on the virus to the human through their bloodstream. Dengue fever can not be caught from someone that has it. Dengue fever can be mild or severe, mild cases of the fever typically pass quickly. However more severe cases can result in serious lack of blood or even death. 

Some common symptoms of dengue fever are a high temperature (above 40c), vomiting, pain behind the eyes and swollen glands. Some symptoms that show you have a more severe case include; severe stomach pain, bleeding under the skin, persistent vomiting, difficulty breathing and blood in your urine. 

Dengue fever is found in Central and Southern America, Africa and South Asia. The fever is most prevalent in Central and Southern America with Guadalupe being the country where the fever is most prevalent. Cases in Southern Europe have occurred although they are very rare.

How to prevent Dengue fever?

Dengue fever can be prevented by vaccination, preventing mosquito bites and staying informed. Vaccination is the most effective way of preventing dengue fever. Preventing mosquito bites is also a good preventive measure. Some measures you can take include; eliminating standing water where mosquitos may breed, using mosquito repellent sprays, wearing clothing with full coverage and sleeping under a mosquito net. Another good preventive measure is staying informed, it is important to stay informed of local outbreaks in the region you intend to travel to and if necessary avoiding these areas. 

Are there side effects of the Dengue fever vaccine?

Yes in general the vaccination is considered safe however there are some common side effects. It is also important to note that there are two different vaccinations, Dengvaxia and Qdenga. Dengvaxia is only reccomended to people who have previously contracted dengue fever. Qdenga is also not recommended to younger children or people with weak immune systems. Some common side effects of the vaccination include; mild fever, headaches and muscle and joint pain. Some more severe side effects include; allergic reactions if you are allergic to any component of the vaccine or increased risk of severe dengue fever if Dengvaxia is taken.

If you experience these or any other side effects after taking the vaccine you should report it to your GP even if you are not certain that the vaccine caused it.

What does a Dengue fever vaccine cost?

£95 per dose (Adult)

Where would I need a Dengue fever Vaccination?


South Asia

South America

Central America   


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